All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an Advancement
Represents the Display Information of an Advancement
Represents the Frame of an Advancement
Alters the behavior of Advancements
Represents a Reward in form of a .mcfunction function
Represents a Manager that manages Players and Advancements
Represents the progress a Player has made for a specific Advancement
Represents a Reward that is awarded upon Completion of an Advancement
Called when a Player closes their Advancement Screen
Represents an Advancements Packet
Called when a Player opens their Advancement Screen or changes their Advancement Tab
Represents the conditions under which an Advancement is visible
Represents the API's Plugin
Represents the Criteria that is required for an Advancement
Represents the Save Data for an Advancement saved by CriteriaType LIST
Represents the Type of Criteria
Represents a Generic Result to an Operation
Represents the Result to an Operation where Criteria is granted
Represents a Message in JSON Format
Represents a Unique Name
Represents the Save Data for an Advancement saved by CriteriaType NUMBER
Represents a Save File
Represents the Result to an Operation where Criteria is set
Represents a Toast Notification
Represents an Advancements Packet for Toast Notifications
Represents an Advancement Packet which respects Advancement Visibility